Government open standards – the curious case of Microsoft and the minister. berichtet, wie Microsoft in Großbritannien Politiker unter Druck setzte, gegen richtige Offene Standards und für Microsoft-Standards zu stimmen: Government open standards – the curious case of Microsoft and the minister.

“A day or two before we were going to give the speech, a couple of backbench MPs called the office. They said Microsoft had called them, saying that – if we went ahead with the speech on open standards, open architecture and open source – they would cut spending or maybe close altogether on research and development centres in the constituencies of the MPs they called up,” Silva said in a speech to the CDO Summit event in London, on Wednesday 29 October 2014. “I was pretty worried about this to be honest. I went to see George – he said if Microsoft has a problem with the speech they should call us directly, so I relayed that back to the MPs. We never got a call from Microsoft, so we went ahead with the speech.”

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