Amnnesty International UK und der britische Observer veranstalten morgen Abend im Rahmen der einen Online-/Offline Event rund um die Anstrengungen im Kampf für Meinungsfreiheit im Netz: „Some people think the internet is a bad thing“
Join Amnesty International UK and The Observer for a unique global event. We will use the internet to link activists from around the world to discuss the struggle against internet repression and to celebrate the irrepressible desire of people towards freedom of expression.
Speakers include:
* Martha Lane Fox –
* Clark Boyd – BBC
* Ron Deibert – Open Net Initiative
* Sami Ben Garbia – Tunisian cyber-dissident
* Josh Wolf – US cyber-dissident
* Morton Sklar –Yahoo! Court case
* Shava Nerad – The TOR Project
* Yan Sham-Shackleton –
* Kevin Anderson – The GuardianWith contributions from:
* Jimmy Wales – wikipedia
* Richard Stallman – Free Software Movement
* Ethan Zuckerman – Global Voices
* Dan Gillmor – Center for Citizen Media
* Yu Ling – wife of Chinese cyber-dissident
* Markus Beckedahl –
* Cory Doctorow – boing boing
* … and you
Der Event wird unter um 19:30 (Unserer Zeit) ausgestrahlt. Wer in London ist, kann im „Human Rights Action Centre“ vorbeischauen.
Ich fühle mich geehrt, bei diesem interessanten Event dabei sein zu können. Zuerst wurde ich angefragt, ob ich live zugeschaltet werden kann. Aber das klappt wohl aus technischen Gründen nicht, bzw. ist diese Idee wohl verworfen worden, weil dabei wohl zuviel schief gehen könnte. Ich sprech später noch einen Podcast ein, wo ich eher die Situation in Europa beschreibe in Zeiten von Vorratsdatenspeicherung und dem Wandel zum Präventivstaat.
live-event nicht live?
trotzdem viel erfolg
Nahc London schaffe ich es morgen nicht. Da sitzen verschiedene Menschen live vor Ort. Das wird übertragen und die Beiträge von externen sollten eigentlich live zugeschaltet werden. Aber sicherheitshalber verlässt man sich nicht darauf, dass dies klappt. So hab ich eben was aufgezeichnet und hingeschickt.
hab schon dick werbung gemacht
daumen drueck ;)
Download the latest version of Windows Media Player for Windows or Macintosh computers.
Super! Und nun?
Sorry M$ only. Linux User dürfen da nicht rein.
“Some people think the internet is a bad thing”
Ein Schelm, wer Boeses dabei denkt.
Wieso, klappt doch auch mit Linux. Einach auf den „Windows Media Player“ link klicken. Bei mir kommt da Totem im Firefox, die URL lässt sich aber auch direkt in anderen Playern öffnen.
Mplayer rührt sich kein Meter.
Hier läuft es mit Mplayer-Plugin in Firefox.
Ok thx. Geht hier nur direkt.
bin auch ueber den direktlink. ohne wmp auf xp ein echter kampf.
richard stallman seit 15 jahren die gleichen sprueche ;)
every nonfree program has a lord, a master
and if you use the program, he is your master.
ist leider grad vorbei, gleich gibts das torrent mit der ausgabe des tages.
Ich hab jetzt gar nicht alles gesehen. Vor allem weiss ich nicht, ob mein Beitrag noch geklappt hat. Hatte gestern Abend nach technischen Schwierigkeiten auf dem Apple einer Freundin einen eher technisch schlechten Webcast erstellt und heute Nacht hochgeladen. Unsere Videokünstlerin bei newthinking ist leider in Heiligendamm und macht da Videos. Und meine Kamera spielte gestern etwas verrückt.
Ansonsten ist hie rmal das Transcript. Das Video gibts mal nicht, da sieht man mich nur vor einem Apple sitzen und das hier ablesen. Mehr oder weniger. Auf Deutsch sowas zu erzählen fällt mir ja leicht. Auf englisch ist das schon schwieriger, wenn man nicht alle Worte spielerisch verwenden kann, wie man das gewohnt ist:
hi, this is markus beckedahl from is a german blog fighting for digital rights, using the net and tradional political ways to raise awareness of freedoms in the digital age.
i feel very honored to be part of this event. Irrepressible is a very cool campaign. lots of our issues will be explained by other participants. so i will mainly focus on the european and german situation regarding freedom of expression. within the so called war on terror, societies in
europe have changed. the dismantling of civil rights is on the daily agenda – new guidelines and laws are constantly issued, that limit the fundamental rights of humans in europe. it seems that we are getting a preemptive, orwellian state where governments are changing the way they deal with their citizens in a fundemental way. The presumption of innocence has been fundemental to european law for a long time. now they build up an infrastructure of control where every european citizen is a suspect.
currently the largest restriction is the data retention decision of the european union. the debate around the storage of connection logs has now reached the individual countries of europe whose governments have started
to implement these rules.
Starting in 2008, european states will be able to trace who was in connection with whom, within the last six months by telephone, mobile phone or E-Mail. With cellphone calls and SMS the respective location of the user is also to be stored.
Movement profiles can be reconstructed, friendship relations as well as business contacts can be identified, by the data stored about the entire population. Also conclusions about the content of each communication, personal interests and living situation of people communicating becomes possible. The police, public prosecutor’s office, intelligence
services and foreign states are to receive access to the data.
the current plans to retain data on communication, movements and media-usage of every citizen is the greatest danger for our right to self-determination and a private life.
The dangers of data retention include:
* Data retention intervenes disproportionately in personal privacy.
* Data retention impairs vocational activities (e.g. within the ranges medicine, law, religion, journalism) just like political and business activities, that presupposes privacy. Thus in the long run it harms our liberal society altogether.
* Data retention does not prevent terrorism or crime. It is
unnecessary and can be easily circumvenced by criminals.
* Data retention offends against the human right of intimacy and informational self-determination.
* Data retention is expensive and burdens economies and consumers.
* Data retention discriminates against users of telephone, mobile telephone and Internet in relation to other communication forms.
in germany they even want data retention for privacy enhancing tools like anonymous proxies. that would mean that there wouldn’t be a legal way to use effective tools for anonymous communication in germany anymore.
Another big problem for german bloggers is the increasing number of cease-and-desist letters for copyright-infringements or postings with their opinions about products and persons. We need better laws to protect people from lawyers who persue new business models with cease and desease letters based on inapropriate laws for the net.
young people use digital tools to remix their culture and to express themselves digitally. but when they publish these works to share them with their friends they risk to be criminalised or they have to pay huge sums in damages. free access to knowledge is fundamental to the development of sustainable development everywhere. the content-industries
want control-infrastructures like digital restriction management to prevent young people from being creative. existing copyright laws including technologies and laws to enforce copyrights are major dangers for freedom of expression. we need better laws in the digital age to compensate artists while also ensuring the right to remix without being criminalized.
there is a new movement rising of young people demanding freedoms in the digital age. this is our digital age, built, and settled by us. Everyone can help create free infrastructures. Help building privacy enhancing tools. Help people by explaining why freedoms are necessary. Help governments to learn that we need better laws which fit the needs of our digital age. Use free or open licences to share your thoughts and creations with other people. People can be creative at the fringe of the internet. We can find ways for better using this growing peer-to-peer power to build a stronger global movement for digital rights. i am positive that we can successfully fight for freedom of expression. We can fight for a global society where everyone can freely evolve without having the feeling of being spied upon all the time. Keep on fighting and have fun.
hätte auch interesse an nem link. (und ja.. viel zu faul um zu suchen ;))