
TiSA-Leaks: Fundamental rights shall be levered out for free trade – also in the internet

The free trade agreement TiSA is a danger for the internet. New leaks we publish in cooperation with Greenpeace show clearly that privacy, net neutrality and IT security are under threat. Moreover, the US want to privatize censorship. An overview of the most important issues.

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel: TiSA-Leaks: Fundamental rights shall be levered out for free trade – also in the internet

Germany’s Federal Court of Justice: the parliamentary committee of enquiry on the NSA has to question Snowden in person

Partial victory for the opposition in the parliamentary committee of inquiry on the NSA: Snowden has to be questioned in person, ruled the German Federal Court of Justice Today. The court stopped the blockage of the government against an invitation of the Whistleblower to Germany and forces a reaction from the Federal Government.

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel: Germany’s Federal Court of Justice: the parliamentary committee of enquiry on the NSA has to question Snowden in person

Snowden’s Legacy: Hearing in the Parliamentary Enquiry Committee

During last week’s session, the German Parliament’s NSA Inquiry Committee tried to resolve many looming questions. Who controls and oversees the surveillance systems of intelligence agencies? What legislative progress has been made in the past years? How could we remedy the situation in the future? The answers were mostly chastening.

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel: Snowden’s Legacy: Hearing in the Parliamentary Enquiry Committee

Secret ReportGerman Federal Intelligence Service BND Violates Laws And Constitution By The Dozen

The German Intelligence Service BND illegally collected and stored mass surveillance data and has to delete those data immediately, including XKeyscore. This is one of the results of a classified report of the German Federal Data Protection Commissioner that we are hereby publishing. In her report, she criticizes serious legal violations and a massive restriction of her supervision authority.

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel: German Federal Intelligence Service BND Violates Laws And Constitution By The Dozen

Strategic Initiative TechnologyWe Unveil the BND Plans to Upgrade its Surveillance Technology for 300 Million Euros

Fiberglass tapping, Internet analysis, encryption cracking, computer hacking: Germany’s secret service BND is massively expanding its Internet surveillance capabilities. We publish its secret 300 million Euro investment programme „Strategic Initiative Technology“. Members of Parliament and civil society criticise the agency’s new powers and demand an end of the whopping armament programme.

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel: We Unveil the BND Plans to Upgrade its Surveillance Technology for 300 Million Euros

„Suspicion of Treason“: Federal Attorney General Announces Investigation Against Us In Addition To Our Sources

If it were up to the Federal Attorney General and the President of the German Domestic Security Agency, two of our reporters would soon be in prison for at least two years. Today, we were officially informed about investigations against our Markus Beckedahl, Andre Meister and an „unknown“ party. The accusation: Treason. This is an […]

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel: „Suspicion of Treason“: Federal Attorney General Announces Investigation Against Us In Addition To Our Sources

Commissioner Oettinger’s facepalm-worthy interview about data retention, copyright, net neutrality and Co.

Today’s interview with the EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, Günther Oettinger, with Markus Keßler at was one of the most shocking ones so far in terms of unreflected statements and the total lack of a factual foundation. Therefore we want to make it accessible not only for German speaking persons. Everyone should […]

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel: Commissioner Oettinger’s facepalm-worthy interview about data retention, copyright, net neutrality and Co.
Das "Gemeinsame Terrorismusabwehrzentrum" in Berlin-Treptow dient als Blaupause für die Pläne Europols.

Classified DepartmentWe Unveil the New Unit of the German Domestic Secret Service to Extend Internet Surveillance

The domestic secret service is setting up a new department to extend its internet surveillance capabilities, investing several million Euros. We publish the secret description for the new unit named „Extended Specialist Support Internet“. Over 75 spies are designated to monitor online chats and Facebook, create movement patterns and social network graphs and covertly „collect hidden information“.

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel: We Unveil the New Unit of the German Domestic Secret Service to Extend Internet Surveillance

Parliamentary CommitteeHow the German Foreign Intelligence Agency BND tapped the Internet Exchange Point DE-CIX in Frankfurt, since 2009

The German Foreign Intelligence Agency Bundesnachrichtendienst taps internet traffic directly at the Internet Exchange Point DE-CIX in Frankfurt since 2009, replacing predecessor operation „Eikonal“ at Deutsche Telekom. This was stated by the operator of DE-CIX at the German Parliamentary Committee investigating Intelligence Agency mass surveillance operations. The German Federal Chancellery intervened several times and prevented […]

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel: How the German Foreign Intelligence Agency BND tapped the Internet Exchange Point DE-CIX in Frankfurt, since 2009

Advanced German TechnologyHow a German-Arab Shell Corporation Tries to Sell New State Malware „Made in Germany“

A German-Arab web of companies advertises a new government malware „made in Germany“ at international surveillance trade shows. In a lengthy investigation, we gathered information on companies and actors involved. It remains unclear whether the company has a finished product for sale, nevertheless they continue to promote the product – directly to law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel: How a German-Arab Shell Corporation Tries to Sell New State Malware „Made in Germany“

TTIP and TiSA: big pressure to trade away privacy

The negotiations between the U.S. and the EU on the „Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership“ (TTIP) will address e-commerce and transatlantic data flows. In this context, there are more and more indications that European data protection standards could be undermined by such a trade agreement. Civil society and consumer organisations both in the EU and […]

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel: TTIP and TiSA: big pressure to trade away privacy

Gamma FinFisher hacked40 GB of internal documents and source code of government malware published

A hacker claims to have hacked a network of the surveillance technology company Gamma International and has published 40 gigabytes of internal data. A Twitter account has published release notes, price lists – and source code. Malware researchers and human rights activists welcome the publication, Gamma itself refuses to comment.

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel: 40 GB of internal documents and source code of government malware published

Interview with BPjM-Leaker: Website Blacklists shouldn’t be done „in an intransparent way by a government“

An anonymous hacker has reverse-engineered and published the once-secret blacklist of URLs produced by a German federal agency. He or she did this mainly out of technical curiosity – and found that it was really easy to do. The hacker hopes not go get sued for this action – and offers a general critique on secret, state-sponsored internet censorship.

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel: Interview with BPjM-Leaker: Website Blacklists shouldn’t be done „in an intransparent way by a government“

Interviews with E-Book-Pirates„The book publishing industry is repeating the same mistakes of the music industry“

What MP3, Napster and portable audio players were for the music industry, EPUB and e-book readers are for the book publishing world. interviewed three operators of semi-legal websites for DRM-free e-books.

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel: „The book publishing industry is repeating the same mistakes of the music industry“