Wie das US-Justizministerium legal meinen Twitter-Account hackte

Birgitta Jónsdóttir kommentiert im Guardian, wie es ist, wenn die US-Regierung den eigenen Twitter-Account hackt.

Profiling has become a default with companies such as Google and Facebook. These companies have huge databases recording our every move within their environment, in order to groom advertising to our interests. For them, we are only consumers to push goods at, in order to sell ads through an increasingly sophisticated business model. For them, we are not regarded as citizens with civic rights. […] What I have learned about my lack of rights in the last few months is of concern for everyone who uses the internet and calls for actions to raise people’s awareness about their legal rights and ways to improve legal guidelines about digital media, be it locally or globally. The problem – and the dilemma we are facing – is that there are no proper standards, no basic laws in place that deal with the fundamental question: are we to be treated as consumers or citizens online? There is no international charter that says we should have the same civic rights as we have in the offline world.

3 Ergänzungen

  1. Netter Text. Birgitta braucht eben etwas länger als andere, zur richtigen Erkenntnis zu kommen. Nun hat sie es gelernt. Hat gedauert, aber immerhin. Sie weiß jetzt, was Google und Twitter sind und von ihr möchten. Herzlichen Glückwunsch und weiterhin viel Erfolg im Internet.

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