Zehn Jahre ICANN

Die Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) ist am 30. September 10 Jahre alt geworden. Zur Feier des Tages gibt es eine Pressemitteilung, was man alles erreicht habe: ICANN: 10 Years Old Today – A decade of multi-stakeholder decision-making and coordination.

So, what has ICANN done in the past decade?

* Back in 1998, there was a single registrar, charging $50 a year for domain names; now there are over 900 ICANN-accredited registrars 1 and a domain costs from just $6 2
* Helped the domain name system grow from roughly three million domains a decade ago to over 160 million today 3
* Expanded the Internet’s generic top-level domains from three (dotcom, dotnet and dotorg) to 16, including .info, .biz, .cat, .asia, .mobi and .name 4
* Seen over 35,000 domains go through the Uniform Dispute Resolution Process 5, a faster, cheaper and more efficient alternative to the law courts for ownership disputes
* Developed policies with the full involvement of governments, business, the technical community and individual Net users that make the Internet’s addressing system able to adapt to the radical new uses that the network is put to every year

Passend zum Thema gibt es hier etwas Hintergrund:

Netzpolitik-Podcast 047: Jeanette Hofmann über Internet Governance.
Netzpolitik-Interview: Nutzervertretung bei ICANN

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