Die britische Politologin Monica Horten hat zusammen mit Benedetta Brevini ein Diskussionspapier zur umstrittenen Frage „Net neutrality v traffic management policies“ geschrieben. Das ist die entscheidene Diskussion im Rahmen des EU-Telekom-Paketes im Moment und hier haben Politiker viel Nachhilfe-Bedarf zu den technischen Fragestellungen und den politischen Implikationen. Die beiden Bereiche Netzneutralität und Netzwerk-Management werden dort gerne als Gegensatz gesehen. Dies kann man aber zusammen denken, um einerseits die Netzneutralität zu gewährleisten und andererseits neue Modelle des Netzwerk-Management zu nutzen. Man muss es nur wollen und die politischen Rahmenbedingungen schaffen.
In the paper, we suggest that a stronger role should be given to national and European regulators to monitor and oversee discriminatory practices by network operators, in order to protect citizens‘ interests. We believe that it is essential for policy-makers to guarantee the neutrality of the network, as the Information Society Commissioner, Viviane Reding, has said. We consider how ‘bandwidth management‘ is different from ‘traffic management‘, and how in the new telecoms environment of ‘traffic management‘, the problem facing the regulators will entail disputes arising between content providers and network operators, which gives them a different set of regulatory issues from the traditional, purely network-based, issues.
Finally, we consider how the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was able to address such an issue when it arose in the US, compared with the powers that EU regulators would have (or not) under the proposals currently in the Telecoms Package. The paper is released here
under a Creative Commons Licence. This means that you are free to download and read it, but if you refer to it or the ideas within it, or quote from it in any article, whether an essay or a published work, you must credit Monica Horten and Benedetta Brevini of the University of Westminster.
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