Internetzensur in arabischen Ländern

Ist zwar schon einen Monat alt, aber immer noch aktuell: Die „Initiative for an Open Arab Internet“ hat eine Länderübersicht für 18 arabische Staaten zusammengestellt, wie diese mit Menschenrechten im Internet, wie der Meinungsfreiheit, umgehen.

This is the second report of the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (HRinfo) on the freedom to use the internet in the Arab World. This report covers 18 Arab countries, providing an overview of how the governments in the Arab world deal with the internet. It includes an update of 11 countries covered in the previous report. It also includes new information with regards to an additional 7 countries that were not previously covered. The report also covers Arab bloggers who have succeeded, over a short period, to play an important role in revealing the conflict between oppression and freedom.

The report was based on field interviews with activists that have resorted to the web, in addition to an opinion poll prepared by HRinfo. The report referred to several human rights and press reports in addition to communications between HRinfo and volunteers from across the Arab World.

Hier ist die Presserklärung dazu: „The Internet: New Battle between Arab Governments and Freedom of Expression“.

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