Human Rights Video Hub

Die Menschenrechtsorganisation WITNESS hat zusammen mit dem Global Voices Online Projekt ein Videoblog über Menschenrechtsverletzungen gestartet: Human Rights Video Hub.

This Human Rights Video Hub Pilot is a joint collaboration between WITNESS and Global Voices Online. WITNESS empowers people and organizations all over the world to use video and other technologies to promote and defend human rights.

This pilot is a first step towards a larger endeavor that WITNESS is currently undertaking: the development of a Human Rights Video Hub (working title). This Hub will be a place where anyone anywhere can upload human rights related footage video from handheld devices or laptops, to create communities and proposed calls to action around the abuses they witness.

The goals of the forthcoming Human Rights Video Hub are to:

* Provide the only global online destination for video content specifically related to human rights violations;
* Provide tools so people can educate and motivate others to act to end human rights violations and create community around their issues;
* Provide a unique online resource for human rights activists, citizens, journalists, and others to access information, resource footage for news stories, and get engaged;
* Help deter and reduce human rights violations through community-enabled advocacy using visual imagery as a catalytic force.


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