„Die Polizei nutzt führende Systeme effektiv“ – Datenschutz bei staatlichen Datenbanken in Irland ist eher so mäßig

Die irische Nationalpolizei Garda Síochána („Hüter des Friedens“) besitzt seit 1999 das Computer-System PULSE – Police Using Leading Systems Effectively. Deren Daten werden immer wieder zweckentfremdet genutzt.

Bereits im November 2010 berichtete der irische Datenschutzbeauftragte in seinem Jahresbericht von folgender Story:

A police sergeant, working in the Garda intelligence division, had abused her position by accessing the phone records of her former boyfriend. Despite this, the police officer in question kept her job and rank and was moved to a position in the Irish special branch – where she continues to have access to sensitive data.

Im August 2011 kamen weitere Fälle ans Licht:

The Data Protection Commissioner is investigating allegations that gardaí have been accessing the Pulse database to check up on their daughters boyfriends, among other things.

According to a report in today’s Irish Daily Mail gardaí have been using the Pulse system – which logs information about any incident involving members of the force – to illegally access information about people.

There have been complaints to the Data Protection Commissioner about gardaí running background checks on people their family members are involved with, and to check on the accident history of cars they’re thinking of buying.

Der Datenschutzbeauftragte ist schockiert und will … eine Untersuchung einleiten.

Während dessen gibt es ähnliche Vorfälle in der Steuerbehörde:

A revenue officer accessed a woman’s confidential information with a view to ‚propositioning‘ her.
The incident happened after the man, who was married, saw the woman at a Revenue office.
He accessed confidential information about her at the office, including her birthday, which he then used to make an unwanted sexual advance.
Deputy commissioner Gary Davis yesterday confirmed that an investigation had taken place. He said that after the facts had been established the consequences for the official were „very severe“ — but he could not say if he was fired.

Der Datenschutzbeauftragte will … eine Untersuchung einleiten.

Joe McNamee kommentiert im EDRI-Gram:

All of which goes to show, if you have nothing to hide, you’ve nothing to fear, because you’re probably dead.

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