Update: Medina-Report im Europaparlament

Über den Medina-Report hatte ich am Freitag schon geschrieben. Das EU-Parlament diskutiert gerade mal wieder Urheberrechtsgesetzgebung und will viel verschlechtern. Von La Quadrature du Net gibt es jetzt eine Pressemitteilung dazu: Copyright dogmatism ridiculously strikes the European Parliament. Die Pressemitteilung könnte noch eine deutschsprachige Übersetzung gebrauchen. Wer mithelfen möchte, auf europäischer Ebene Bürger- und Verbraucherrechte zu schützen, kann beim Übersetzen der Pressemitteilung im Wiki helfen und/oder den Inhalt weiter verteilen. Ansonsten gilt: Informiert Euch und kontaktiert Eure Abgeordneten. Wir empfehlen die Ablehnung des Medina-Report. Da kann man gerade nicht mehr verbessern.

Hier sind Ausschnitte.

„The Medina report is ridiculous and full of repressive measures. It is in total contradiction with what MEPs voted twice against ‚graduated response‘ and with the realities of Internet. It only favours entertainment industries and doesn’t contain anything for culture, the artists, or their public.“ explains Jérémie Zimmermann, co-founder of La Quadrature.

The recommendations of the JURI committee, made without reference to any study, consultation, or sounds analysis, anticipate the result of works led by the Commission3. They look like the complete wish list of the entertainment industry against Internet and its users:

* graduated response: The report recommends „three strikes“ schemes against unauthorised file sharing for all Europe, including cooperation with ISP based on denunciations by the entertainment industries (points 31, 37)
* Internet content filtering: The recommendations ask for the deployment of technologies for filtering content „for identification and recognition, […] with a view to distinguishing more easily between legal and pirated products“ that totally contradicts the very nature of Internet. (point 35)
* Internet access providers liability: the report „Invites reflection on the responsibility of internet access providers in the fight against piracy;“ including the objective of making service providers liable for content published by their users. (points 32, 36, 37)
* Denial of copyright exceptions: its conclusions on copyright exceptions are anticipating the result of the public consultation launched by the European Commission on „Copyright in the knowledge economy“ by stating that any reform of the 2001 copyright Directive is undesirable, that the existing regime for copyright exceptions is undesirable, and that there is no need for new exceptions. This archaic position undermines creativity, interoperability, and innovation. (points 3, 20, 23, 25)

La Quadrature invites EU citizens to ask their MEPs to strongly reject the Medina report in plenary. A wiki-based tool, Political Memory is available to help contacting MEPs and keeping track of their votes on these crucial issues.

Deine Spende für digitale Freiheitsrechte

Wir berichten über aktuelle netzpolitische Entwicklungen, decken Skandale auf und stoßen Debatten an. Dabei sind wir vollkommen unabhängig. Denn unser Kampf für digitale Freiheitsrechte finanziert sich zu fast 100 Prozent aus den Spenden unserer Leser:innen.

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