Steal this show S01E13: Emergency Episode! Save P2P, Save The Internet!

Der Steal this show – Podcast hat kurz vor Ende der BEREC-Konsultation das Thema Netzneutralität. Zu Gast waren unser Thomas Lohninger, der auch koordiniert und aus den USA Holmes Wilson von Fight For The Future: S01E13: Emergency Episode! Save P2P, Save The Internet!

European Regulators are about to decide whether to give big telecoms corporations the power to influence what we can (and can’t) do online. In this emergency episode of STEAL THIS SHOW, Thomas Lohninger of Save The Internet and Holmes Wilson of Fight For The Future explain how practices like traffic management, zero rating and specialised services threaten P2P, VPNs and, more generally, our access to a free and open internet.

Hier ist die MP3. Und hier der Torrent-Link.

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