Wir berichteten auf Netzpolitik bereits über die Internet-Überwachung in Äthiopien sowie über Festnahmen von regierungskritischen Blogger_innen und Journalist_innen. Justin Lynch hat nun für Motherboard einen ausführlichen Artikel über das überwachte Internet in Äthiopien geschrieben, über die Angst der Regierung vor kritischen Meinungen und die repressiven Maßnahmen gegen Medienschaffende: The Tragedy of Ethiopia’s Internet.
It’s unclear exactly how many Ethiopians can access the internet. Those who can, however, must contend with the specter of state surveillance. The Ethiopian government is suspected of deploying spyware and other hacking and surveillance tools to surveil individuals, including at least one American citizen, hooked to the web. Because of these alleged cybersleuthing efforts, the Ethiopian government has turned an engine of commerce and information into an afterthought and an instrument of surveillance.
Former American diplomats, current members of Ethiopia’s intelligence agency, and foreign policy experts all told me that the Ethiopian government is afraid of dissident views spreading online, and has crafted its intelligence service, telecom sector, and legal codes to stamp out digital dissent.
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