„Goodbye Net Neutrality, Hello Gilded Age Internet“ ist ein schöner kurzweiliger Animationsfilm von Mark Fiore über die Bedeutung von Netzneutralität.
Imagine, though, two or more „Internets,“ one that zips along the latest Netflix movie and another Internet that creeps along, delivering boring old educational material to public libraries. The Internet will be as fast as you can pay, which seems like a sure way to kill Al Gore’s best invention ever. Enjoy the cartoon, let me know what you think in the comments and be sure to share along the not-so-neutral net. And as usual, you can find more links to the news behind the cartoon on my website.
Die EU-Kommission ist gerade dabei, ein Zweiklassen-Netz zu legalisieren. Auf savetheinternet.eu steht, wie Ihr Euch wehren könnt.
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