Die britische Regierung rüstet im Copyfight massiv auf

Die britische Regierung rüstet im Copyfight massiv auf: New copyright police to increase raids and seizures in UK.

The Government will fund 4,500 new copyright police to conduct raids from April. The move comes as the Department of Trade and Industry passes responsibility for copyright enforcement to Trading Standards Officers. As recommended by December’s Gowers Review of Intellectual Property, the DTI has granted Trading Standards Officers new powers under Section 107A of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. It will also give £5m to law enforcement agencies to tackle copyright infringement. „From 6 April, there’ll be an additional 4,500 pairs of Trading Standards eyes watching counterfeiters and pirates,“ said Malcolm Wicks, Trade and Industry Minister. „This will mean more surprise raids at markets and boot sales, more intelligence, more prosecutions, and more criminals locked up.“

Man stelle isch mal vor, die GVU würde vom Staat 4500 neue Mitarbeiter gestellt bekommen…

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