Die EU-Kommission hatte zur Konsultation rund um die Urheberrechtsreformierung von 2001 eingeladen und von 134 eingegangenen Beiträgen wurden 126 veröffentlicht.
The review is aimed at updating the legislative framework in the field of copyright and related rights, increasing its consistency and also simplifying the provisions. In addition, there is a need to analyse whether this framework still contains shortcomings which have a negative impact on the functioning of the Internal Market. In this case, additional harmonisation measures may have to be envisaged.
In the framework of the review, the Commission is now launching a consultation of all interested parties on the basis of a working paper. The consultation aims at completing the legal analysis and allowing further assessment of the impact of possible changes.
Die grosse Frage ist ja, welche acht Organisationen oder Firmen machen intransparentes Lobbying und wollen nicht öffentlich genannt werden?
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