Die Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) hat ein neues White-Paper veröffentlicht, welches an Entscheider in den Universitäten gerichtet. Diese stehen immer mehr unter Druck durch die Contentindustrie, Filesharing technisch und juristisch zu verbieten. Die EFF will Entscheidungshilfen bieten und Lösungen aufzeigen:
When Push Comes to Shove: A Hype-Free Guide to Evaluating Technical Solutions to Copyright Infringement on Campus Networks
For years, university administrators have faced a growing challenge: fighting copyright infringement on campus networks. Confronting this challenge has not been easy and neither has choosing the right tool for the job. Universities that choose to take on this task have employed a range of strategies, from education in the residence halls, to increased enforcement of network use policies, to cooperating with the recording industry in its controversial litigation campaign against peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharers. Others have chosen to resist these tactics and stand with their students in motions to quash record industry subpoenas for student identities. Others are looking at adopting a different strategy: implementing technical solutions such as Audible Magic, Packeteer, or ICARUS. Some combine aspects of all the above.
This paper is intended to help institutions of higher education critically evaluate the principal technological tools and policies being used to enforce copyright on campus networks.1 It first explores where the goals of copyright holders and universities overlap and where they conflict. It then discusses the pros and cons of the major solutions and explores alternatives. Finally, it offers a series of questions designed to help university IT professionals develop criteria for evaluating future tools as they come to market.[…]
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