UK: Datendiebe werden mit bis zu zwei Jahren Haft bestraft

Gerade bei The Register gefunden: UK to jail data thieves for two years:

The Information Commissioner Office has long pressed the government to lock people who buy and sell data away in prison. Currently, the toughest sanction is a fine.

The Department for Constitutional Affairs today said it planned to lock them up for up to two years, along with anyone else who might spread other people’s private business about for other reasons.

„People have a right to have their privacy protected from those who would deliberately misuse it and I believe the introduction of custodial penalties will be an effective deterrent to those who seek to procure or wilfully abuse personal data,“ said Lord Falconer, Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs.

Bisher war die dickste Strafe ein Geldbetrag – wohl ein Klacks verglichen mit den bis zu durchschnittlich 85’000 £, die pro Datensatz durch Identitätsmißbrauch verdient werden können.

UPDATE: Auch bei slashdot wird diskutiert.

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