Mehr als 100 NGOs, darunter auch das Netzwerk Neue Medien, haben bisher ein gemeinsames Statement für eine Reform der WIPO unterzeichnet, indem die Position der Group of Friends of Development /3,3MB PDF) unterstützt wird.
Die Hauptforderungen sind dabei:
* the development dimension should be present in all of WIPO’s work
* a treaty on Access to Knowledge (A2K for short) should be considered
* an independent WIPO Evaluation and Research Office (WERO) should be set up to monitor WIPO’s work
*there should be clear principles and guidelines for the technical assistance programmeIt also demands that WIPO’s norms and practices should be reviewed. Here, special attention should be given to:
* the respective costs and benefits of copyright, patents and trademarks
* the fact that patents, copyright and trademarks are not ends in themselves, but rather tools to foster the common good
* the issue that there can be no „one size fits all“-solutions
* the flexibilities built into copyright and patent laws
* greater transparency of WIPO and its work
[via Inside, wide-eyed]
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