Zum 25sten Jubiläum hat die Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) einen Sammelband mit spekulativen Kurzgeschichten prominenter Autoren wie Cory Doctorow, Bruce Sterling, Lauren Beukes und Charlie Jane Anders veröffentlicht. „Pwning Tomorrow: Stories from the Electronic Frontier“ steht unter einer freien Lizenz und kann kostenlos heruntergeladen werden, die Aktivisten bitten jedoch um Spenden.
We meet many speculative fiction fans in the course of our work to protect digital civil liberties, and the 21 stories in this collection inspire a sharper sense of the futures we may experience and the role of rights and freedoms there. The authors explore the wonders and perils of technology over the next 25 years and beyond, imagining the consequences of everything from abusive intellectual property lawsuits to out-of-control viral marketing, from over-protective intelligent fridges to violently loyal cyber-pets.
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