Die South China Morning Post berichtet, dass Edward Snowden an einem „sicheren Ort“ in Hong Kong ist. Er hat der Zeitung drei neue Dokumente gegeben, über die sie berichtet:
US spies on Chinese mobile phone companies, steals SMS data
The US government is hacking Chinese mobile phone companies to steal millions of text messages, Edward Snowden has told the South China Morning Post. And the former National Security Agency contractor claims he has the evidence to prove it.
NSA targeted China’s Tsinghua University in extensive hacking attacks
Tsinghua University in Beijing, widely regarded as the mainland’s top education and research institute, was the target of extensive hacking by US spies this year, according to information leaked by Edward Snowden.
It is not known how many times the prestigious university has been attacked by the NSA but details shown to the Post by Snowden reveal that one of the most recent breaches was this January.
The information also showed that the attacks on Tsinghua University were intensive and concerted efforts. In one single day of January, at least 63 computers and servers in Tsinghua University have been hacked by the NSA.
Snowden said the information he shared on the Tsinghua University attacks provided evidence of NSA hacking because the specific details of external and internal internet protocol addresses could only have been obtained by hacking or with physical access to the computers.
The university is home to one of the mainland’s six major backbone networks, the China Education and Research Network (CERNET) from where internet data from millions of Chinese citizens could be mined.
The network was the country’s first internet backbone network and has evolved into the world’s largest national research hub.
US hacked Pacnet, Asia Pacific fibre-optic network operator, in 2009
Computers at the Hong Kong headquarters of Pacnet – owner of one of the biggest fibre-optic networks in the region – were hacked by US spies in 2009, adding fuel to the diplomatic fire that has engulfed the Obama administration this month over its cyber-snooping activities worldwide.
According to information provided by Edward Snowden to the Post, computers owned by Pacnet in Hong Kong were attacked by the US National Security Agency but the operation has since been shut down.
The information on the attacks on Pacnet are based on a range of details including dates, domain names, internet protocol numbers and other operational details provided by Snowden.
Pacnet, which has global headquarters in Hong Kong and Singapore, owns more than 46,000 kilometres of fibre-optic submarine cables and provides connections to 16 data centres for telecom companies, multinationals and governments across Asia Pacific.
Leider sind wieder keine Original-Dokumente dabei, dieses mal noch nichtmal Auszüge.
Während die NSA sich hauptsächlich gegen andere Staaten richtet, richtet die deutsche Polizei und der deutsche Verfassungsschutz sich hauptsächlich gegen die eigenen Bürger. Erste Umsetzungen der Ermächtigung zur Bestands- und Verkehrsdatenabfrage … http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Laender-verabschieden-neue-Regeln-zur-Bestandsdatenauskunft-1894865.html
Auch interessant: am 1.8. tritt das LSR in Kraft. Am 1.8. fliegen die deutschen Presseverlage aus Google News, wenn sie ihre Inhalte Google nicht vollständig freigeben … http://www.stilstand.de/popcorn-2/
Laut Ria Novosti ist Snowden auf dem Weg nach Moskau.
Die Amis überwachen doch wahrscheinlich so ziemlich jeden.
Nur die Marsianer konnten sich bisher erfolgreich vor deren Überwachungstechnologie verborgen halten.
bruuahahaha! ja nee, is klar. ausgerechnet die chinesen regen sich über derlei nsa-maßnahmen auf. doppelmoral im endstadium.
China, I Love You. Hoffentlich kommt Edward gut an, und hoffentlich passiert ihm nichts. Die USA hacken eine chinesische Eliteuniversität: Terroristen nach US Sicht … alle, die einem wirtschaftlich gefährlich werden können. Was meint Friede dazu? Antiamerikanismus ;D