Von Dan Bull gibt es den „Anti-ACTA rap“ als Video und MP3.
Cory Doctorow schreibt dazu auf BoingBoing:
Copyfighting rapper Dan Bull (he of Dear Lily Allen fame) has just released a new track, „Death of ACTA,“ about the secretive Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, a privately negotiated super-copyright treaty. He says, „I wrote it after reading about the terrifying implications of ACTA. I want it to raise awareness and make people act directly, by joining lobby groups (eg EFF and ORG) and putting pressure on their political representatives. The video was made on a zero budget, filmed and edited with the voluntary help of friends and colleagues. Directed and produced by Russ Houghton, and filmed at the Golden Hinde in Southwark. I’m an unsigned, unsignable geek rapper and activist, determined to make a living out of my music whilst sharing it all for free. Not sure how that will work yet, but working it out is all part of the fun.“
Wir haben die Lyrics mal ins Deutsche übersetzt: