China scheint RSS zu zensieren

Ars Technica berichtet, dass „The Great Firewall of China“ nun wohl auch RSS-Feeds zensiert: China’s Great Firewall turns its attention to RSS feeds.

Unfortunately, China appears to have finally gotten wise to RSS as of late—reports have been popping up from our readers and around the web of not being able to access FeedBurner RSS feeds as early as August of this year. More recent reports tell us that the PSB appears to have extended this block to all incoming URLs that begin with „feeds,“ „rss,“ and „blog,“ thus rendering the RSS feeds from many sites—including ones that aren’t blocked in China, such as Ars Technica—useless.

So what is a feed-deprived Internet user in China to do? Well, there are a few workarounds, some of which may be simpler than others. Some of our readers in China tell us that web-based feed aggregators, such as NewsGator Online, (sort of) help provide access to RSS feeds. One reader says that if he has the aggregator set to display the full post (or however much of the post is made available) and clicks through to read more, everything is just fine. On the other hand, if he has it set to just display a stub from the feed and clicks the title to read more, „that is when you get the ’server stopped responding‘ error so familiar to users behind the [Great Firewall]!“

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