Wendy Seltzer hat sich mal die Windows Vista Lizenzbestimmungen angeschaut und darüber gebloggt: „Forbidding Vistas: Windows licensing disserves the user“
Reading the Windows Vista license is a bit like preparing for breakfast with Lewis Carroll’s Red Queen: You should be ready to believe at least six impossible things about what users want from software.
It is unlikely that a home user looking for a computer operating system has any of these „features“ of the Vista EULA in mind: The Red Queen
1. Self-limiting software
2. Vanishing functionality through invalidation
3. Removal of media capabilities
4. Problem-solving prohibited
5. Limited mobility
6. One transfer only
and a bonus,
7. Restrictions on your rights to use MPEG-4 videoDetails below. While Microsoft should be commended for putting its license into plain English, that doesn’t help to make the license restrictions any more palatable. Quoted italicized language comes from the Vista license.
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