For Your Eyes Only: Internationale Konferenz über Privacy, Empowerment und Technologie im Kontext sozialer Netzwerke

Am 29. und 30. November findet in Brüssel die Konferenz For Your Eyes Only statt. International und interdisziplinär soll das vielschichtige und komplexe Konzept der Privatsphäre diskutiert werden. Ein Tickt für beide Tage kostet 89 Euro, die Anmeldung geht noch bis nächsten Freitag.

Aus dem Programm:

Online Social Networks are sites in which the boundaries between the private and public are and can be contested. Recent research and initiatives that engage in these contestations make it evident that privacy is a multifaceted and complex concept. Hence, it can best be grasped using perspectives from different disciplines and social contexts.

SPION and EMSOC, two interdisciplinary projects funded by the Flemish Agency for Innovation (IWT), have taken on the challenge of researching how the private and public is renegotiated in Online Social Networks. Researchers in both projects explore technical, legal and social strategies through which users can be empowered. They further develop technical solutions, educational material and policy recommendations with the objective of mitigating the responsibilization of end users with respect to their privacy.

This conference builds upon the ongoing research in the two projects. It intends to create a rich interdisciplinary space where the topic of privacy in online social networks can be reflected upon together with a wider audience. In six panels, leading scholars from social, legal, technical, and economic backgrounds will present their studies and discuss the consequences of their findings for regulation, education and systems design. Moreover, activists, artists, developers and representatives of NGOs will showcase their ongoing projects. In tête-à-tête sessions, they will open up their working processes and demonstrate their “tools” to the conference participants.

We invite you to take this opportunity to explore with us the challenges, pitfalls and opportunities in addressing privacy in online social networks, in theory and in practice.

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