Aus der jährlich veröffentlichten Erhebung des Committee to Protect Journalists geht hervor, dass sich zum ersten Mal mehr Onlinejournalisten in Gefängnissen befinden, als Journalisten eines anderen Mediums. 45% der weltweit Inhaftierten sind Blogger, Webreporter oder Online Redakteure.
At least 56 online journalists are jailed worldwide, according to CPJ’s census, a tally that surpasses the number of print journalists for the first time. The number of imprisoned online journalists has steadily increased since CPJ recorded the first jailed Internet writer in its 1997 census. Print reporters, editors, and photographers make up the next largest professional category, with 53 cases in 2008. Television and radio journalists and documentary filmmakers constitute the rest.
„Online journalism has changed the media landscape and the way we communicate with each other,“ said CPJ Executive Director Joel Simon. „But the power and influence of this new generation of online journalists has captured the attention of repressive governments around the world, and they have accelerated their counterattack.“
Eine Übersicht nach Ländern findet sich hier. Ins Auge sticht hierbei vor allem China, wo 24 der insgesamt 28 eingesperrten Journalisten online arbeiteten.
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