Case Study: Blogs im Iran

Das „Internet and Democracy“-Projekt am Berkman-Center hat eine spannende Case-Study zur Iranischen Blogosphäre veröffentlicht: Mapping Iran’s Online Public: Politics and Culture in the Persian Blogosphere.

(Bild in gross)

Aus dem Abstract:

We used computational social network mapping in combination with human and automated content analysis to analyze the Iranian blogosphere. In contrast to the conventional wisdom that Iranian bloggers are mainly young democrats critical of the regime, we found a wide range of opinions representing religious conservative points of view as well as secular and reform-minded ones, and topics ranging from politics and human rights to poetry, religion, and pop culture. Our research indicates that the Persian blogosphere is indeed a large discussion space of approximately 60,000 routinely updated blogs featuring a rich and varied mix of bloggers. Social network analysis reveals the Iranian blogosphere to be dominated by four major network formations, or poles, with identifiable sub-clusters of bloggers within those poles. We label the poles as 1) Secular/Reformist, 2) Conservative/Religious, 3) Persian Poetry and Literature, and 4) Mixed Networks.

Hier das 68-Seiten lange Papier dazu.

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