Ein lesenswerter Kommentar zu DRM findet sich bei Ars Technica: Privately, Hollywood admits DRM isn’t about piracy. Die Kurzzusammenfassung ist, dass es bei DRM nicht um den Schutz vor „Piraterie“ geht. Das ist nur die Werbeverpackung. Eigentlich geht es um den Schutz von alten Geschäftsmodellen in einer geänderten Medienrealität.
As it turns out, five devices authorized for playback is too many, and the studios apparently believe that this is „just as bad“ as piracy. Hollywood believes that iTunes Store customers will add their buddies‘ devices to their authorization list, and like evil communists, they’ll share what they have purchased. This makes little sense, because the way iTunes works, you can only issue so many device authorizations at a time. You could share with a friend, but then your friend would have to be authorized to play all of your purchased content, taking up an authorization. Inconvenient, huh? But is it a big problem?
I can walk in to Best Buy right now, buy a DVD, and lend it to every person I know. Who hasn’t lent a DVD to a friend or colleague? This is perfectly legal behavior, but you can see that Hollywood hopes to stop this kind of thing via DRM. Thanks to the DMCA, once copyrighted contents have been encrypted, your rights fly right out the window.
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