Nach drei Jahren im Vorstand der ICANN beschreibt Joi Ito die Gründe für seinen Rückzug und eröffnet einen Blick auf die Entscheidungsstrukturen der Organisation:
The problem that ICANN has is not one of being unfair, the problem that ICANN has is the difficulty and time required in trying to reach consensus on difficult issues. The other problem is that most of the people who are affected by the decisions, the average users, don’t know or care about ICANN. Trying to figure out an better way to get their input has always been an issue, but is one that is not unique for ICANN. All of politics and collective action share the difficulty in getting the public to care about issues that affect them.
Wer mehr über das Thema wissen möchte, bekommt mit Hilfe des Artikels von Jeanette Hoffmann einen sehr guten Überblick.
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