Reporter ohne Grenzen präsentieren Wirtschafts-Bündnis gegen Zensur

Reporter ohne Grenzen haben heute in New York eine Pressekonferenz veranstaltet, wo ein „Joint Statement on Freedom of Expression and the internet“ (PDF) von 25 Investmentfonds, Forschungsinstitute und Stiftungen mit insgesamt 21 Mrd Dollar Investitionsvermögen vorgestellt wurde. Hier ist ein Auszug aus der Pressemitteilung: Investment funds and analysts to monitor what Internet firms do in repressive countries.

While pleased with this initiative, Reporters Without Borders wanted to go further and get other investment firms and business analysts to take a stand on the issue. So, together with Boston Common and Domini, it drafted a „Joint Statement on Freedom of Expression and the Internet.“ The signatories affirm that respect for free expression is one of the criteria they will take into account when deciding where to invest. They add that they will step up their monitoring of Internet sector companies whose business activities have an impact on the free flow of information online. And they also undertake to support resolutions favouring free expression that are presented at shareholders‘ meetings.

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