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Ukraine-KriegHuman Rights Watch kritisiert intransparente Maßnahmen von sozialen Medien

Human Rights Watch untersucht Reaktionen und Maßnahmen von großen Social-Media-Plattformen und Messenger-Diensten seit dem russischen Angriff auf die Ukraine. Die Organisation macht auf Versäumnisse bei der Achtung der Menschenrechte aufmerksam und kritisiert, dass die Entscheidungen intransparent seien.

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel: Human Rights Watch kritisiert intransparente Maßnahmen von sozialen Medien
2 grüne Papageien mit rotem Schnabel in der Luft

Environmental and Foreign Affairs in the Context of AIHuman Security Beyond Trump

International Conflict is on its Rise: Out-dated hostilities between the USA and Iran threaten to cause catastrophic chaos. The world needs novel security conceptions that consider artificial intelligence well, first of all: data analytic and platform technologies. How could that look like, in terms of machine understanding – its design, use and ethics? How to put AI in the service of human kind?

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel: Human Security Beyond Trump

Surveillance exports: How EU Member States are compromising new human rights standards

Since 2016, the European Union has been working on proposals to implement stricter controls on the export of surveillance technology outside the EU. However, internal documents now prove that certain Member States – especially Sweden, Finland, and the United Kingdom – are succumbing to pressure from business interests. As a result, human rights safeguards are being diluted.

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel: Surveillance exports: How EU Member States are compromising new human rights standards