Studie: Breitbandnutzung OECD-Ländern

Die Breitbandnutzung in den 30 OECD-Ländern ist jetzt in einer Studie nachzulesen. Einige Details:

European countries have continued their advance with high broadband penetration rates. In December 2006, eight countries (Denmark, the Netherlands, Iceland, Korea, Switzerland, Finland, Norway and Sweden) led the OECD in broadband penetration, each with at least 26 subscribers per 100 inhabitants.

Denmark and the Netherlands are the first two countries in the OECD to surpass 30 subscribers per 100 inhabitants.

The strongest per-capita subscriber growth over the year comes from Denmark, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Ireland. Each country added more than 5.8 subscribers per 100 inhabitants during the past year.

Operators in several countries continue with their upgrades to fibre. Fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) and Fibre-to-the-building (FTTB) subscriptions now comprise nearly 7% of all broadband connections in the OECD and the percentage is growing. Korea and Japan each have more than 6 fibre-based broadband subscribers per 100 inhabitants.

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1 Ergänzungen

  1. Was mich mal interessiert…

    Warum sind dieser Zahle eigentlich soooo wichtig, dass darüber ’ne OECD-Studie gemacht wird?

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