Free/Libre Open-Source-Software in Development Cooperation

Martin Voss hat seine Dissertation zum Thema „Free/Libre Open-Source-Software in Development Cooperation − Theory and Challenges“ gemacht und als PDF unter einer Creative Commons Lizenz im Netz veröffentlicht.

Agriculture in development regions is often characterized by rural and remote settings, poverty, low levels of education and high degrees of illiteracy. Against this background the theoretical framework for the application of information and communication technologies and in particular the application of Free/Libre Open-Source-Software (FLOSS) in development regions is being outlined and the challenges for the application analyzed.

It is elaborated that FLOSS supports current development objectives. In addition the special situation of rural development regions is supported. Improved means of communication, additional sources of household income and distant learning programs are just a few examples for rural development where FLOSS is applicable.

One challenge which is derived from the literature research is the appropriate awareness of actors for the application of FLOSS in development cooperation. This aspect is further analyzed by an expert survey. The results suggest that the awareness and perception of FLOSS by actors in development cooperation can be described as uneven. This relates to the level of knowledge about FLOSS itself as well as to the perception of the suggested prospects and risks.

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