Dokumentarfilm: Naked Citizens

Die Dokumentation „Naked Citizens“ von Journeyman Pictures liefert einen detaillierten Einblick in die heutigen Möglichkeiten eines modernen Überwachungsstaates. Im Fokus des Kurzfilms stehen die technischen Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre, welche dafür gesorgt haben, dass es Computer sind welche jegliche erhobenen Daten aus der Überwachung aus- und bewerten.

„I woke up to pounding on my door“, says Andrej Holm, a sociologist from the Humboldt University. In what felt like a scene from a movie, he was taken from his Berlin home by armed men after a systematic monitoring of his academic research deemed him the probable leader of a militant group. After 30 days in solitary confinement, he was released without charges. Across Western Europe and the USA, surveillance of civilians has become a major business. With one camera for every 14 people in London and drones being used by police to track individuals, the threat of living in a Big Brother state is becoming a reality. At an annual conference of hackers, keynote speaker Jacob Appelbaum asserts, „to be free of suspicion is the most important right to be truly free“. But with most people having a limited understanding of this world of cyber surveillance and how to protect ourselves, are our basic freedoms already being lost?

Neben der isländischen Politikerin Birgitta Jónsdóttir kommt unter anderem auch Anne Roth in dem Film zu Wort.

Deine Spende für digitale Freiheitsrechte

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2 Ergänzungen

  1. Urks:
    The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

    Ich hab dem Uploader mal eine Nachricht deswegen gesendet, vielleicht ändert er das ja.
    Mit US-IP geht es (VPN sei dank), mit T-Com (T-Online) nicht.

    1. OK, das wird sich irgendwann ändern. Betrifft nur Österreich und Deutschland. Siehe Antwort unten.
      Nett und schnell.

      Hi Ingo – thanks for your message! The report Naked Citizens was originally produced by ORF Austria, and Journeyman has an agreement with ORF for the international distribution of the report. Unfortunately, as the film hasn’t yet been broadcast by ORF, we have been asked to keep it unavailable in Austria and Germany until they have released it. The broadcast is in the coming weeks (and will be German language), and as soon as it has been shown our film will be made live in Germany and Austria.

      Hope this is helpful!
      Best wishes, Robbie Scarfe,
      Journeyman Pictures digital media dept.

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