UNESCO Bericht zum WSIS

Die UNESCO hat im Rahmen des WSIS-Prozesses (World Summit on the Informaton Society / UN-Weltgipfel zur Informationsgesellschaft) vier thematische Konferenzen organisiert und nun einen Abschlussbericht vorgelegt.

Die Themen der Konferenzen waren:

“Freedom of Expression in Cyberspace”
“Multilingualism for Cultural Diversity and Participation for All in Cyberspace”
“ICT for Capacity-Building: Critical Success Factors”
“Cultural Diversity in Knowledge Societies”

The reports of the four conferences that UNESCO organized from February to May 2005 as “thematic meetings” for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), which will held its second session in Tunis, Tunisia, from 16 to 18 November 2005, are now available on line.

All four meetings endorsed UNESCO’s key principles for building knowledge societies and stressed UNESCO’s role as a facilitator of WSIS implementation activities or mechanisms. UNESCO took the opportunity to foster its multi-stakeholder approach to WSIS implementation activities and to formulate proposals for concrete actions in its areas of competence. The reports on the meetings will be introduced into the WSIS process and their conclusions will inform UNESCO’s future strategies and activities, particularly within the framework of its programme for 2006-2007.

Ich mag die UNESCO, da denken Menschen mit.

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