CDT: Evaluierung von DRM-Frameworks

Das „Center for Democracy & Technology“ hat heute eine Studie zur Evaluierung von DRM vorgestellt. Hier ist die Pressemitteilung: Paper Offers Framework For Evaluating Digital Rights Management (DRM).

The Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT) today released a document designed to help promote a greater public understanding of the choices and tradeoffs associated with products and services that include Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology. The paper details a series of „metrics“ for evaluating DRM that fall into four major categories: transparency, effect on use, collateral impact, and purpose/consumer benefit. The paper is aimed at fostering greater public understanding and discussion of DRM, on the assumption that marketplace pressures from an informed consumer base can help promote a market for digital media products that is diverse, competitive, and responsive to reasonable consumer expectations.

Und hier ist die Studie (PDF / 1,9 MB). Dazu gibt es auch noch ein „DRM Metrics Quick Reference Chart“.

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