Glenn Greenwald berichtet auf The Intercept: NSA Claims Iran Learned from Western Cyberattacks
A top secret National Security Agency document from April 2013 reveals that the U.S. intelligence community is worried that the West’s campaign of aggressive and sophisticated cyberattacks enabled Iran to improve its own capabilities by studying and then replicating those tactics.
Quelle ist ein neues Dokument aus dem Snowden-Fundus. Da The Intercept das Original bei Amazon hostet, bieten wir wieder einen Mirror bei uns an. Darin heißt es:
Iranian Cyber Attacks: Iran continues to conduct distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks against numerous US. financial institutions, and is currently in the third phase of a series of such attacks that began in August 2012. SIGINT indicates that these attacks are in retaliation to Western activities against Iran’s nuclear sector and that senior officials in the Iranian government are aware of these attacks. NSA expects Iran will continue this series of attacks, which it views as successful, while striving for increased effectiveness by adapting its tactics and techniques to circumvent victim mitigation attempts.
Iran’s destructive cyber attack against Saudi Aramco in August 2012, during which data was destroyed on tens of thousands of computers, was the first such attack NSA has observed from this adversary. Iran, having been a victim of a similar cyber attack against its own oil industry in April 2012, has demonstrated a clear ability to learn from the cap abilities and actions of others. While NSA has no indications at this time that Iran plans to conduct such an attack against a US or UK target, we cannot rule out the possibility of such an attack, especially in the face of increased international pressure on the regime.
Das ist die Militarisierung der digitalen Welt, vor der wir beständig warnen.
Komisches Dokument, berichtet über Vorkommnisse in 2012/13, stammt aber laut Datierung rechts unten rot aus 2007.