Spannender Podcast über OpenGovernment und Netzpolitik in den USA: Radio Berkman 149: Freedom of the Internet.
In 2008, Michael Slaby served as Chief Technology Officer from Obama for America, and helped with technology policy as the Obama campaign transitioned to an administration. One of the most difficult aspects of the transition has come in trying to keep a huge group of grassroots, web-enabled supporters, after the campaigning is over and the policy making has begun. Today David Weinberger speaks with Michael about how government uses the web to stay engaged, and some of the policies regarding freedom and the internet that the administration has pursued since taking office.
Davon gibt es auch noch eine andere Version, und zwar eine Aufzeichnung eines Gespräches mit Slaby beim Berkman-Center: Michael Slaby on The Values of Technology.
The power of Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was not just the technology itself, but in the values that drove the creativity and use of the technology. Michael Slaby – Deputy Director of New Media then Chief Technology Officer for Obama for America (now Chief Technology Strategist for TomorrowVentures) – discusses the technology and tactics that made the Obama campaign the most technology-savvy presidential campaign in history.
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„The power of Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign was not just the technology itself, but in the values that drove the creativity and use of the technology.“
Schlimm, wenn Leute diese Werbeschreibe so internalisieren, und zur messianischen Hirnwäsche ihrer Mitmenschen schreiten. Man muss diese Sprachschablonen mal sammeln:
„The power of X was not just the Y itself, but in the values that drove the Z and use of the Y.“
Was der Obama-Kampagne sicher geholfen hat, das war die mangelnde Seriösität seiner Konkurrenz. Das funktionierte im Netz eben nicht mehr.