Gestern war Seth Schoen bei der von Cory Doctorow organisierten „Fulbright Chair Speaker Series“.
Cory Doctorow, the U.S. – Canada Fulbright Chair in Public Diplomacy, welcomed Seth Schoen, the first ever staff technologist for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Schoen is a polymath expert in cryptography, security, international policy, copyright, digital television, and other subjects too numerous to mention. He has testified and prepared expert evidence for many of the most important cyber law cases in the past five years. He also maintains the popular Bootable Business Card Linux distribution and is the author of the notorious DeCSS Haiku — a series of poems that added up to a technical violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, for they could be used to decrypt scrambled DVDs.
Die erste Stunde gibts als MP3 und auf der Webseite als Video.
Seth wird auf dem 23c3 über „DRM comes to European digital TV – How the DVB project is locking down TV standards and importing U.S. mistakes.“ sprechen. Und hier ist ein Netzpolitik-Podcast mit ihm zu Trusted Computing.
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