Radiosendung: Internet Censorship and Surveillance

Am Freitag lief im Bostoner Radio „On Point“ eine sehr interessante Sendung zum Thema „Internet Censorship and Surveillance“.

You remember the wide open promise of the World Wide Web, right? This was to be the untrammeled, free range domain of digital liberation, a new world of freedom. Well, yes and no.

You can search for whatever you like, but type in „democracy“ in China’s blogosphere, or „human rights“ or „women“ in Iran, and you’re getting nothing. E-mail trails are sending dissidents to jail. Whole realms of thought are being filtered right off the web — and American companies are helping.

Now, the US government has subpoenaed search records by the millions. And the National Security Agency is reading e-mail — maybe yours. Hear about Big Brother, American companies, and the web.

Gäste im Studio waren:

* Timothy Wu, Professor at Columbia Law School
* Ronald Deibert, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto
* Julien Pain, Reporters Without Borders
* Declan McCullagh, Chief Political Correspondent for CNET

Die Sendung gibts noch im Real- oder WMA-Format als Stream. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn jemand die Sendung mitschneiden könnte, und mir einen Link zum Download schicken könnte.

[via RConversation]

Update: Die Sendung gibts jetzt auch im verbraucherfreundlichem MP3-Format.

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