Was bedeuten die neuen Mehrheitsverhältnisse für US-Netzpolitik?

Bei CNet gibt es einen Report über die neuen Mehrheitsverhältnisse im US-Senat und Repräsentantenhaus nach den Wahlen in dieser Woche und was dies für Technologie-relevante Debatten bedeutet: What the Democrats‘ win means for tech.

But now that this week’s elections have switched control of the House back to the Democrats–and they appear to have seized the Senate as well–the outlook for technology-related legislation has changed dramatically overnight. On a wealth of topics–Net neutrality, digital copyright, merger approval, data retention, Internet censorship–a Capitol Hill controlled by Democrats should yield a shift in priorities on technology-related legislation.


Hollywood tends to be solidly Democratic: Employees of companies like Viacom, Walt Disney and Vivendi Universal consistently write checks to Democratic politicians over Republicans, by a 2-to-1 margin. But in practice, Republican politicians have been nearly as enthusiastic about helping Hollywood. It was Sen. Ted Stevens, an Alaska Republican, who endorsed the so-called broadcast flag for television in January. It was a New Jersey Republican, Rep. Mike Ferguson, who introduced the legislation for digital radio two months later, and another from North Carolina, Rep. Howard Coble, who co-sponsored a plan in mid-2002 to let copyright holders disable PCs used for illicit file trading. And Sen. Orrin Hatch, a Republican, once called for remotely destroying pirates‘ computers.

Deine Spende für digitale Freiheitsrechte

Wir berichten über aktuelle netzpolitische Entwicklungen, decken Skandale auf und stoßen Debatten an. Dabei sind wir vollkommen unabhängig. Denn unser Kampf für digitale Freiheitsrechte finanziert sich zu fast 100 Prozent aus den Spenden unserer Leser:innen.

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