Am kommenden Donnerstag werde ich auf EInladung von IPJustice im Rahmen der WSIS-Parallel-Events an folgender Diskussion teilnehmen: „P2P File-Sharing, Digital Rights, and e-Democracy“.
Die Diskussion findet von 17:00h – 19:00h im Salle SOUSSE auf dem WSIS-Gelände statt.
~ ROBIN GROSS, IP Justice Executive DirectorSpeakers:
~ MICHAEL GEIST, Research Chair in Internet & E-commerce Law at University of Ottawa (Canada)
~ HEATHER FORD, Director of Creative Commons South Africa (South Africa)
~ CEDRIC LAURANT, Director of International Privacy Project at Electronic Privacy Information Center (USA)Questions the panel will explore include:
~ Is it legal to share music or movies using P2P over the Internet?
~ How are courts and national legislatures dealing with P2P file-sharing?
~ What are the privacy rights implications of P2P technologies?
~ How are artists using P2P to promote their careers?
~ Is Hollywood’s reaction to P2P endangering traditional civil liberties?
~ How can P2P encourage democratic participation?
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