EDRi´s Antwort auf EU-Konsultation zur Einführung einer EU Menschenrechtsbehörde

Die Europäische Union hat einen Konsultationsprozess zur Einrichtung einer EU Menschenrechtsbehörde gestartet, zu dem EDRi (European Digital Rights Initiative) nun eine Antwort vorgelegt hat.

Hier gibts als Auszug die konkreten Vorstellungen, welche Aufgaben diese sinnvolle Behörde übernehmen könnte.

In a field with many actors at many levels, and limited resources, it is crucial that the agency not duplicate ef­forts already taken at national, regional or international level, but focuses on concrete measures to improve the protection of human rights at EU and EU member state level. It should be kept in mind that the main beneficiaries of the Agency’s activities are defined as the EU institutions, the Member States and civil society in general. Hence the range of activities chosen should be measured against the degree to which these three groups benefit. EDRI suggests that the Agency focuses on:

1. Strengthening and promoting the protection of human rights, democracy and the rule of law within the member states, and in the EU institutions and work areas.
2. Assessing human rights compliance of new EU directives and policies, including the human rights compliance of their transposition in the member states.
3. Utilizing and strengthening existing networks of national monitoring and reporting with regard to hu­man rights problems in EU member states, not least concerning diverging implementation of EU di­rectives.
4. Developing tools to assess human rights compliance and impact.

One organizational exemplar for the Agency would be the UN Paris Principles of National Human Rights In­stitutions, which set standards for independence, transparency, inclusiveness and governing structures.

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