Guardian-Interview mit Gilberto Gil

Der brasilianische Kulturminister und Sänger Gilberto Gil gab dem britischen Guardian ein sehr interessantes Interview: Minister of counterculture .

And in one small development that none the less sums up the mood, the left-wing administration of President Luiz Inacio da Silva, or „Lula“, has announced that all ministries will stop using Microsoft Windows on their office computers. Instead of paying through the nose for Microsoft operating licences, while millions of Brazilians live in poverty, the government will use open-source software, collaboratively designed by programmers worldwide and owned by no one.

„This isn’t just my idea, or Brazil’s idea,“ Gil says. „It’s the idea of our time. The complexity of our times demands it.“ He is politician enough to hold back from endorsing the breaking of laws, for example on music downloading, but only just. „The Brazilian government is definitely pro-law,“ he grins. „But if law doesn’t fit reality anymore, law has to be changed. That’s not a new thing. That’s civilisation as usual.“ (He is not a hi-tech person himself, he says, but readily concedes that his children have „probably“ done a fair bit of illegal downloading.)

[via BoingBoing]

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